Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Bagel

Sorry I've be "outta" the loop for the past several days but I've been dealing with a little dude here who stepped on a razor clam over the weekend, got a bunch of stitches, can't walk (hopping) & now has a lovely secondary infection to go along with it. The fun just keeps on coming!!

So, this is how I decided to talk about bagels.  As I was standing on line at my local bagel shop this morning (fulfilling my little dude's request for a bagel & cream cheese),  I realized that we are so very privilege to be blessed with THE New York bagel.  So many theories as to why they are the best (sorta like the NY pizza)-the water, the salt context, the attitude, etc...Whatever it may be, there is just no denying how darn good the bagels are here.

So in front of me is a a very skinny, actually TINY lady in her (of course, you guessed it) lululemon YOGA pants ordering a gutted bagel.  The server looks at her and in flash it's on the counter, wrapped in white paper & he is ringing her up.  For us New Yorkers, we are all so familiar with this as a standard request.   Actually, you rather have an order for a gut job over a toasted bagel, right?  I mean, time is precious especially at 8 am & you've got to get somebody(s) to preschool, hit the gym & get those bagels to yet another school before your other child's lunchtime.  Now, a gutted bagel is a quick way to get your carb fix, with less guilt & it definitely hits the spot (as seen by the skinny mini in the lululemons in front of me). The server just cuts the bagel in half, clears out all the center so you are basically left with the outside shell. Apparently, this is not so common the further away you get away from NY & the surrounding areas.  I know that if you were to order this, in let's say Richmond, the guy at Einstein Bagels may look at you like you've lost your mind & may even ask you to repeat your order several times before through his hands up and walking away.  I think we should put this one on the map just like Jerry, George & Elaine did with a "shmear".  What do you guys say?  Next time  you're at your favorite bagel shop, ask 'um for a gutted bagel & see how it goes.  Your stomach will thank you along with your waist...Trust me, get a gut job!  Let me know how it goes especially those of you outside the tri-state area.
Till tomorrow.....

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